Create a banner and buttons with R

jasmines tidyverse magick

with a few lines of code.

  1. Load the packages we will need.
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, jasmines, magick, here)
  1. Creating a background for my banner and buttons for my Canvas course provided the opportunity to try out the jasmines package.

Using the excellent examples as a guide, I created a background by modifying a few lines.

entity_lissajous() %>%
  unfold_tempest() %>%
  style_ribbon(background = "thistle2")

  1. Save the background to banner.png
entity_lissajous() %>%
  unfold_tempest() %>%
  style_ribbon(background = "thistle2")  %>% 
    "_posts", "create-a-banner-and-buttons-with-r", "banner.png"))
  1. Read the image back in as a magick object to modify it
banner_png  <- image_read(here(
    "_posts", "create-a-banner-and-buttons-with-r", "banner.png")) 
  1. Resize it and add my course name, “Auditing”, to the banner
banner_png  %>% 
    geometry_size_pixels(width = 1000, 
                         height = 200, 
                         preserve_aspect =FALSE ))  %>% 
                 location = geometry_point(x = 350, y = 50),
                 size = 50, font = "Comic Sans")

  1. Save the banner with text as audit_banner.png
banner_png  %>% 
    geometry_size_pixels(width = 1000, 
                         height = 200, 
                         preserve_aspect =FALSE ))  %>% 
                 location = geometry_point(x = 350, y = 50),
                 size = 50, font = "Comic Sans")  %>% 
  1. Start with the banner background and size for a button
banner_png  %>% 
    geometry_size_pixels(width = 150, 
                         height = 75, 
                         preserve_aspect =FALSE )) -> button  

  1. Start with the button and add text
button  %>% image_annotate("Syllabus", 
                 location = geometry_point(x = 15, y = 10),
                 size = 30, font = "Comic Sans")  %>% 
  image_border("black", "4x4") 

button   %>% image_annotate("Modules", 
                 location = geometry_point(x = 15, y = 10),
                 size = 30, font = "Comic Sans")  %>% 
  image_border("black", "4x4") 

  1. Write the buttons to png files
button  %>% image_annotate("Syllabus", 
                 location = geometry_point(x = 15, y = 10),
                 size = 30, font = "Comic Sans")  %>% 
  image_border("black", "4x4")  %>% 

button   %>% image_annotate("Modules", 
                 location = geometry_point(x = 15, y = 10),
                 size = 30, font = "Comic Sans")  %>% 
  image_border("black", "4x4") %>% 

Note: for a banner and buttons that are not in a Canvas course you probably don’t want to add the text.